Sunday, 25 March 2012

It is a jungle out there

Why do weeds grow faster than flowers? There is no such thing as a weed of course, only a plant in the wrong place! So a lot of plants here have a very poor sense of place I think. Despite thick mulching the weeds come through thick and fast. After a month of rain and now hot sun everything is growing practically as you watch it.

Acanthus against the weeds
 Where we are working at the moment up at the electric point, which is the ugliest electric point in the world, every spare moment I get I am pulling weeds. When I come back the next day there are a whole crop of new weeds which have grown 6” in the night it seems!

Ray has done great work strimming paths through the undergrowth so we can get from one place to another without struggling through waist high verdure. And this is just the beginning, there are weeks of growth to go before it gets too hot and everything dies off.

I'll be sad to lose the Greek gate when it's all finished
 We are stone facing the unsightly monolith where the electricity enters the property. The builders and electricians responsible should be taken out and given a good talking to for providing such a travesty. It is slow painstaking work but the steps up to it are coming on a treat and will provide sound footing for further work. This morning when I was pointing the paving the sage bush along side was providing aromatherapy. There are lots of small cracks and crevices where plants will grown and soften the whole structure in time.

Now it is darker later there is a whole extra hour in the garden and yet more opportunity to exhaust oneself! However, it is now warm enough for breakfast and lunch on the patio to the distant sounds of a Greek spring (the dulcet tones of a stone pecker preparing the base for yet another villa).

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