Monday, 9 January 2012

Mercy Mission

Just when I thought nothing more exciting had happened today other than topping off 2 meters of stone wall, I got a phone call from a friend who had been out for a walk and got stuck 'off piste' in the maquis. He had been fighting his way through it for an hour and a half trying to get to a path which he knew would lead him back home. Fortunately he had a torch as it was now nearly dark and he could describe where he was.

Beyond the point
So we tooled up with torches, machetes and ropes and set off in the car for the other side of the bay. Fortunately as we neared the point where I believed he was I got another call to say he had made it through to the path.

The knowledge we were on our way and that he wouldn't have to spend the night on the hills gave him the extra strength to push through. He had to surf over the prickly vines and bushes in order to make progress. Bear in mind we are talking about another pensioner here and temperatures are set to drop to 1C overnight!

We dropped him off at his house for a stiff drink and a hot bath. Not an experience to be repeated! And Ray thought his days of mountain rescue were over.

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