Thursday, 5 January 2012

New Arrivals

First off it's been a trip to the big smoke, Lefkas style, to collect my new passport sent out from London via the Madrid processing office. Now I can travel again but I'm a bit more circumspect as it was a big shock to be handbag picked on the way home from Vienna. I have walked through the valley of death, or at least down Botchergate, Carlisle on a Friday night, and many other insalubrious places without a fear. Now I'm not so sure. Maybe it's just a product of getting older? So I'm currently searching Amazon for a security bag I can have round my neck, it'll make a change from the usual millstone!

Lovely new epassport  

Did lots of food shopping while in town as there are reports of future food shortages as well as the rest of Greece's woes. Meanwhile, this morning we got another mouth to feed. We are now foster carers for Stavros the cat. He belongs to a couple who return to the UK during the winter and his original foster carers are also returning to live in the UK. Sounds like a stampede? And things will get worse here before they get better, if ever in our lifetime!

Stavros the cat

Due to the inclement weather, rain and temperature down to 13C, we started work on the wall top just below where Stavros is standing, once he'd moved. Got 2 mixes of cement done before heavy rain stopped play. Rain forecast for tomorrow as well so maybe time for the ironing.

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